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Painting Techniques & Tips


1. Pin it or frame it up - If you have bought our painting kits with the DIY framing kit, you can frame it up first before painting. Otherwise lay it on a flat surface with newspaper underneath or better yet, pin it down on a pinboard - this way it can be portable!


To help with assembling your frame, use a small hammer to tap the edges to ensure it is square and also to finish putting your pins in. 

2. Iron out any creases - only required on FOLDED KITS - these canvases come lightly folded and giving them a quick iron before you start with a tea towel over the canvas can iron out any creases. 

3. Use the paint on the lid first - This is the first paint to dry out if you leave the pots open for too long, so it is best to use this first before diving into the pot. 

4. Put a lid on it - Keep your paint pots closed when not in use and do not leave them open too long (no longer than 10 minutes), otherwise they may dry out and become hard to use.

5. Start at the top and work your way down - To prevent smudges from your painting hand, it is best to start at the top and work your way down the canvas. Otherwise you may need to hold your hand up, which can be more unsteady on the small areas or cells. 

6. The 'blobbing' technique - Only required for lighter colours, you can 'blob' over the numbers to ensure they don't appear when the paint has dried. 

7. Large cells to smaller cells - You can see your creation coming to life sooner by painting the larger areas first.

8. Keep leftover paints for your own creations - There will always be leftover paint so you can still utilize these by painting your own masterpiece - without lines!


Contact us if you have any more questions or need any help!